Upload your visualizations for the Global NTA15 Bangkok Visualization Challenge
Below you will find examples from the Global NTA Paris meeting and the Global NTA Senegal meeting. Creators will be asked to present their visualizations in Bangkok and winners will be selected.
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Sang-Hyop Lee, A Tetrahedral Graph
Najat El Mekkaoui and Sara Loukili, Population Pyramid
Bernhard Binder-Hammer, Distributional Aspects of the Welfare State
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Visualizations presented at the Global NTA14 Paris Conference
From Pradittha Likitpattanakul, Statistical Forecasting Division, Thailand National Statistical Office
"Economic Change of Lowest Income Households in Thailand": NTA14.Viz1.gif NTA14.Viz1.mp4
From Lili Vargha & Tanja Istenič: Public Transfer (TG) Age Profiles in 50 countries and Public Transfer Age Profile Clusters. Replication files and more details:
From Lili Vargha & Tanja Istenič & Tim Miller: Labour Income Age Profiles in 77 countries and Labour Income Age Profile Clusters. Replication files and more details:
From Lili Vargha & Bernhard Binder-Hammer & Gretchen Donehower & Tanja Istenič & Tim Miller: Gender Specific Labour Income Age Profiles and the Labour Income Gender Gap in 39 countries. Replication files and more details:
From Lili Vargha & Bernhard Binder-Hammer & Gretchen Donehower & Tanja Istenič: Life Cycle Deficit by gender and age in 39 countries. Replication files and more details:
From Lili Vargha & Tanja Istenič: Life Cycle Deficit Age Profile Clusters. Replication files and more details:
From Lili Vargha & Bernhard Binder-Hammer & Gretchen Donehower & Tanja Istenič: Time transfers by gender and age in 28 countries. Replication files and more details:
From Bernhard Binder-Hammer: Income, consumption and transfers in Austria 2015
Hawaii's Generational Economy
Visualization of report on Hawaii's Generational Economy. Provided by Andy Mason. This is an embedded Tableau file. Instructions for embedding files are available on the wiki site guidelines. This submission is not eligible for the Visualization Challenge.
From Ricardo Cantú
1. The Fiscal Simulator using NTA
2. Demographic Transition in Mexico
3. Fiscal Lifecycle in Mexico and its Fiscal Dividend
4. Sankey Charts for selected countries
d'Albis and French NTA team
Protection sociale et vieillissement (
Results from the Senegal Visualization Challenge
The results of the Senegal global visualization challenge can be found here.