This is a complete list of variables and identifying codes that are used in the data base.
Each variable is linked to an individual variable page that provides a definition and important additional information about the variable.
- LifeCycle Deficit (100,000 LCD)
- Consumption (110,000 C)
- Public Consumption (111,000 CG)
- Public Consumption, Education (111,100 CGE)
- Public Consumption, Health (111,200 CGH)
- Public Consumption, Other than health and education (111,500 CGX)
- Public Consumption, Education (111,100 CGE)
- Private Consumption (112,000 CF)
- Private Consumption, Education (112,100 CFE)
- Private Consumption, Health (112,200 CFH)
- Private Consumption, Other than health and education (112,500 CFX)
- Private Consumption, Housing (112,600 CFMR)
- Private Consumption, Other than Housing (112700 CFEHX)
- Private Consumption, Education (112,100 CFE)
- Public Consumption (111,000 CG)
- Labor Income (120,000 YL)
- Earnings (121,000 YLE)
- Self-employment labor income (123,000 YLS)
- Earnings (121,000 YLE)
- Consumption (110,000 C)
- Reallocations (200,000 R)
- Asset-based Reallocations (210,000 RA)
- Asset Income (210,100 YA)
- Capital Income (210,110 YK)
- Property Income (210,150 YP)
- Property Income, Inflows (210,150.1 YPI)
- Property Income, Outflows (210,150.2 YPO)
- Interest (210,151 YM)
- Interest, Inflows (210,151.1 YMI)
- Interest, Outflows (210,151.2 YMO)
- Interest, Inflows (210,151.1 YMI)
- Other Property Income (210,153 YPX)
- Other Property Income, Inflows (210,153.10 YPXI)
- Other Property Income, Outflows (210,153.20 YPXO)
- Other Property Income, Inflows (210,153.10 YPXI)
- Property Income, Inflows (210,150.1 YPI)
- Capital Income (210,110 YK)
- Saving (210,200 S)
- Private Asset-based Reallocations (211,000 RAF)
- Private Asset Income (211,100 YAF)
- Private Capital Income (211,110 YKF)
- Private Capital Income, owner-occupied housing (211,111 YKFH)
- Private Capital Income, business & non-profits (211,115 YKFB)
- Private Capital Income, owner-occupied housing (211,111 YKFH)
- Private Property Income (211,150 YPF)
- Private Property Income, Inflows (211,150.1 YPFI)
- Private Property Income, Outflows (211,150.2 YPFO)
- Private Interest (211,151 YMF)
- Private Interest Inflows (211,151.1 YMFI)
- Private Interest Outflows (211,151.2 YMFO)
- Private Interest Inflows (211,151.1 YMFI)
- Other Property Income, Private (211,153 YPFX)
- Other Property Income, Private, Inflows (211,153.1 YPFXI)
- Other Property Income, Private, Outflows (211,153.2 YPFXO)
- Other Property Income, Private, Inflows (211,153.1 YPFXI)
- Private Property Income, Inflows (211,150.1 YPFI)
- Private Capital Income (211,110 YKF)
- Private Saving (211,500 SF)
- Private Asset Income (211,100 YAF)
- Public Asset-based Reallocations (212,000 RAG)
- Public Asset Income (212,100 YAG)
- Public Capital Income (212,110 YKG)
- Public Property Income (212,150 YPG)
- Public Property Income, Inflows (212,150.1 YPGI)
- Public Property Income, Outflows (212,150.2 YPGO)
- Public Interest (212,151 YMG)
- Public Interest, Inflows (212,151.1 YMGI)
- Public Interest, Outflows (212,151.2 YMGO)
- Public Interest, Inflows (212,151.1 YMGI)
- Other Property Income, Public (212,153 YPGX)
- Other Property Income, Public, Inflows (212,154 YPGXI)
- Other Property Income, Public, Outflows (212,155 YPGXO)
- Other Property Income, Public, Inflows (212,154 YPGXI)
- Public Property Income, Inflows (212,150.1 YPGI)
- Public Capital Income (212,110 YKG)
- Public Saving (212,200 SG)
- Public Asset Income (212,100 YAG)
- Asset Income (210,100 YA)
- Transfers (220,000 T)
- Public Transfers (221,000 TG)
- Public Transfers, Inflows (221,000.1 TGI)
- Public Transfers, Outflows (221,000.2 TGO)
- Public Transfers, Education (221,100 TGE)
- Public Transfers, Education, Inflows (221,100.1 TGEI)
- Public Transfers, Education, Outflows (221,100.2 TGEO)
- Public Transfers, Education, Inflows (221,100.1 TGEI)
- Public Transfers, Health (221,200 TGH)
- Public Transfers, Health, Inflows (221,200.1 TGHI)
- Public Transfers, Health, Outflows (221,200.2 TGHO)
- Public Transfers, Health, Inflows (221,200.1 TGHI)
- Public Transfers, Pensions (221,300 TGSOA)
- Public Transfers, Pensions, Inflows (221,300.1 TGSOAI)
- Public Transfers, Pensions, Outflows (221,300.2 TGSOAO)
- Public Transfers, Pensions, Inflows (221,300.1 TGSOAI)
- Public Transfers, Other In-Kind (221,400 TGXI)
- Public Transfers, Other In-Kind, Inflows (221,400.1 TGXII)
- Public Transfers, Other In-Kind, Outflows (221,400.2 TGXIO)
- Public Transfers, Other In-Kind, Inflows (221,400.1 TGXII)
- Public Transfers, Other Cash (221,500 TGXC)
- Public Transfers, Other Cash, Inflows (221,500.1 TGXCI)
- Public Transfers, Other Cash, Outflows (221,500.2 TGXCO)
- Public Transfers, Other Cash, Inflows (221,500.1 TGXCI)
- Public Transfers to ROW, Net (221,600 TGNF)
- Public Transfers, Social protection other than pensions (221,700 TGS)
- Public Transfers, Social protection other than pensions, Inflows (221,700.1 TGSI)
- Public Transfers, Social protection other than pensions, Outflows (221,700.2 TGSO)
- Social Protection, Sickness and disability (221,710 TGSD)
- Social Protection, Sickness and disability, Inflows (221,710.1 TGSDI)
- Social Protection, Sickness and disability, Outflows (221,710.2 TGSDO)
- Social Protection, Sickness and disability, Inflows (221,710.1 TGSDI)
- Social Protection, Survivors (221,720 TGSS)
- Social Protection, Survivors, Inflows (221,720.1 TGSSI)
- Social Protection, Survivors, Outflows (221,720.2 TGSSO)
- Social Protection, Survivors, Inflows (221,720.1 TGSSI)
- Social Protection, Family and children (221,730 TGSF)
- Social Protection, Family and Children, Inflows (221,730.1 TGSFI)
- Social Protection, Family and Children, Outflows (221,730.2 TGSFO)
- Social Protection, Family and Children, Inflows (221,730.1 TGSFI)
- Social Protection, Unemployment (221,740 TGSU)
- Social Protection, Unemployment, Inflows (221,740.1 TGSUI)
- Social Protection, Unemployment, Outflows (221,740.2 TGSUO)
- Social Protection, Unemployment, Inflows (221,740.1 TGSUI)
- Social Protection, Housing (221,750 TGSH)
- Social Protection, Housing, Inflows (221,750.1 TGSHI)
- Social Protection, Housing, Outflows (221,750.2 TGSHO)
- Social Protection, Housing, Inflows (221,750.1 TGSHI)
- Social Protection, Miscellaneous (221,760 TGSX)
- Social Protection, Miscellaneous, Inflows (221,760.1 TGSXI)
- Social Protection, Miscellaneous, Outflows (221,760.2 TGSXO)
- Social Protection, Miscellaneous, Inflows (221,760.1 TGSXI)
- Public Transfers, Social protection other than pensions, Inflows (221,700.1 TGSI)
- Collective Goods and Services (221,900 TGC)
- Collective Goods and Services, Inflows (221,900.1 TGCI)
- Collective Goods and Services, Outflows (221,900.2 TGCO)
- Collective Goods and Services, Non-congestible (221,910 TGCN)
- Collective Goods and Services, Congestible (221,920 TGCC)
- Collective Goods and Services, Inflows (221,900.1 TGCI)
- Taxes (221,930 TGF )
- Taxes on income, profits, and capital gains (221,931 TGFK)
- Taxes on payroll and workforce (221,932 TGFW)
- Taxes on property (221,933 TGFP)
- Taxes on goods and services (221,934 TGFG)
- Taxes on international trade and transactions (221,935 TGFF)
- Other taxes (221,936 TGFX)
- Taxes on income, profits, and capital gains (221,931 TGFK)
- Social Contributions (221,940 TGP)
- Social security contributions (221,941 TGPS)
- Other social contributions (221,942 TGPX)
- Social security contributions (221,941 TGPS)
- Grants (221,950 TGG)
- Grants from foreign governments (221,951 TGGG)
- Grants from international organizations (221,952 TGGF)
- Grants from other general government units (221,957 TGX)
- Grants from foreign governments (221,951 TGGG)
- Public Transfer Deficit (221,999 TGDS)
- Public Transfers, Inflows (221,000.1 TGI)
- Private Transfers (222,000 TF)
- Private Transfers, Inflows (222,000.1 TFI)
- Private Transfers, Outflows (222,000.2 TFO)
- Interhousehold Transfers (222,100 TFB)
- Interhousehold Transfers, Inflows (222,100.1 TFBI)
- Interhousehold Transfers, Domestic Inflows (222,100.11 TFBID)
- Interhousehold Transfers, Inflows from ROW (222,100.12 TFBIROW)
- Interhousehold Transfers, Domestic Inflows (222,100.11 TFBID)
- Interhousehold Transfers, Outflows (222,100.2 TFBO)
- Interhousehold Transfers, Domestic Outflows (222,100.21 TFBOD)
- Interhousehold Transfers, Outflows to ROW (222,100.22 TFBOROW)
- Interhousehold Transfers, Domestic Outflows (222,100.21 TFBOD)
- Interhousehold Transfers, Inflows (222,100.1 TFBI)
- Intrahousehold Transfers (222,200 TFW)
- Intrahousehold Transfers, Inflows (222,200.1 TFWI)
- Intrahousehold Transfers, Outflows (222,200.2 TFWO)
- Intrahousehold Transfers, Consumption (222,230 TFC)
- Intrahousehold Transfers, Consumption, Inflows (222,230.1 TFCI )
- Intrahousehold Transfers, Consumption, Outflows (222,230.2 TFCO )
- Intrahousehold Transfers, Education (222,231 TFWE)
- Intrahousehold Transfers, Education, Inflows (222,231.1 TFWEI)
- Intrahousehold Transfers, Education, Outflows (222,231.2 TFWEO)
- Intrahousehold Transfers, Education, Inflows (222,231.1 TFWEI)
- Intrahousehold Transfers, Health (222,232 TFWH)
- Intrahousehold Transfers, Health, Inflows (222,232.1 TFWHI)
- Intrahousehold Transfers, Health, Outflows (222,232.2 TFWHO)
- Intrahousehold Transfers, Health, Inflows (222,232.1 TFWHI)
- Intrahousehold Transfers, Consumption other than health and education (222,237 TFWX)
- Intrahousehold Transfers, Consumption, Inflows (222,230.1 TFCI )
- Intrahousehold Transfers, Saving (222,250 TFWS)
- Intrahousehold Transfers, Saving, Inflows (222,250.1 TFWSI)
- Intrahousehold Transfers, Saving, Outflows (222,250.2 TFWSO)
- Intrahousehold Transfers, Saving, Inflows (222,250.1 TFWSI)
- Intrahousehold Transfers, Inflows (222,200.1 TFWI)
- Private Transfers, Inflows (222,000.1 TFI)
- Private Capital Transfers (223,000 TK)
- Private Capital Transfers, Bequests (223,100 TKB)
- Bequests, Inflows (223,100.1 TKBI)
- Bequests, Outflows (223,100.2 TKBO)
- Bequests, Inflows (223,100.1 TKBI)
- Private Capital Transfers, Other (223,200 TKX)
- Private Capital Transfers, Bequests (223,100 TKB)
- Public Transfers (221,000 TG)
- Asset-based Reallocations (210,000 RA)
- Wealth (300,000 W)
- Assets (310,000 WK)
- Private Assets, Net (310050 WKN)
- Private Assets, Pensions (311,100 WKFP)
- Private Assets, Financial (311,200 WKFF)
- Private Assets, Property (311,300 WKFM)
- Private Assets, Non-property (311,350 WKFNM)
- Private Assets, Other (311,400 WKFX)
- Private Assets, Pensions (311,100 WKFP)
- Public Assets, Net (311,500 WKG)
- Public Debt, Gross (311,600 WKGG)
- Public Debt, Gross (311,600 WKGG)
- Private Assets, Net (310050 WKN)
- Transfer Wealth (320,000 WT)
- Public Transfer Wealth (321,000 WTG)
- Public Transfer Wealth, Non Market (321,100 WTGNM)
- Public Transfer Wealth, Collective Services (321,150 WTGC)
- Public Transfer Wealth, Public Goods and Services (321,200 WTGCN)
- Public Transfer Wealth, Congestible Goods and Services (321,250 WTGCC)
- Public Transfer Wealth, Public Goods and Services (321,200 WTGCN)
- Public Transfer Wealth, Health (321,300 WTGH)
- Public Transfer Wealth, Education (321,350 WTGE)
- Public Transfer Wealth, Social Protection (321,400 WTGS)
- Public Transfer Wealth, Sickness and disability (321,450 WTGSD)
- Public Transfer Wealth, Old age (321,500 WTGSOA)
- Public Transfer Wealth, Survivors (321,550 WTGSS)
- Public Transfer Wealth, Family and children (321,600 WTGSF)
- Public Transfer Wealth, Unemployment (321,650 WTGSU)
- Public Transfer Wealth, Housing (321,700 WTGSH)
- Public Transfer Wealth, Other Social Protection (321,750 WTGSX)
- Public Transfer Wealth, Sickness and disability (321,450 WTGSD)
- Public Transfer Wealth, Collective Services (321,150 WTGC)
- Public Transfer Wealth, National Debt (321,900 WTGD)
- Public Transfer Wealth, Non Market (321,100 WTGNM)
- Private Transfer Wealth (322,000 WTF)
- Private Transfer Wealth, Non-market (322,100 WTFNM)
- Intra-household Transfer Wealth (322,110 WTFW)
- Intra-household Transfer Wealth, Education (322,111 WTFWE)
- Intra-household Transfer Wealth, Health (322,112 WTFWH)
- Intra-household Transfer Wealth, Other (322,113 WTFWX)
- Intra-household Transfer Wealth, Education (322,111 WTFWE)
- Inter-household Transfer Wealth (322,120 WTFB)
- Inter-household Transfer Wealth, Inter-vivos transfers (322,121 WTFBV)
- Inter-household Transfer Wealth, Bequests (322,122 WTFBB)
- Inter-household Transfer Wealth, Household Transitions (322,123 WTFBH)
- Inter-household Transfer Wealth, Charitable and religious organizations (322,130 WTFCR)
- Inter-household Transfer Wealth, Inter-vivos transfers (322,121 WTFBV)
- Intra-household Transfer Wealth (322,110 WTFW)
- Private Transfer Wealth, Market (322,200 WTFM)
- Private Transfer Wealth, Consumer credit (322,210 WTFC)
- Private Transfer Wealth, Land (322,220 WTFR)
- Private Transfer Wealth, Consumer credit (322,210 WTFC)
- Private Transfer Wealth, Non-market (322,100 WTFNM)
- Public Transfer Wealth (321,000 WTG)
- Assets (310,000 WK)
- Demographics (499999 XX)
- Population, Total (500,000 DN)
- Population, Male (501,000 DNM)
- Population, Female (502,000 DNF)
- Population, Male (501,000 DNM)
- Population growth rate (505,000 DNUN_gr)
- Survival Rate (510,000 DS)
- Survival Rate, Male (511,000 DSM)
- Survival Rate, Female (512,000 DSF)
- Survival Rate, Male (511,000 DSM)
- Migration Rate (520,000 DM)
- Migration Rate, Male (521,000 DMM)
- Migration Rate, Female (522,000 DMF)
- Migration Rate, Male (521,000 DMM)
- Headship Rate (540,000 H)
- UN Population, Total (550,000 DNUN)
- UN Population, Male (551,000 DNMUN)
- UN Population, Female (552,000 DNFUN)
- UN Population, Male (551,000 DNMUN)
- UN Life expectancy at birth (555,000 DE0UN)
- UN Total Fertility Rate (560,000 DTFRUN)
- Population, Total (500,000 DN)
- Indicators (599,999 XXX)
- Consumer Price Index (600,000 FCPI)
- GDP Deflator (605,000 GDPD)
- GDP per capita (current USD) (606,000 GDPPC)
- GDP per capita (current USD, PPP) (607,000 GDPPC_ppp)
- Exchange Rate, Official (610,000 FX)
- Exchange Rate PPP (611,000 FXPPP)
- Interest Rate, Real (620,000 FR)
- Support Ratio (630,000 SR)
- Fiscal Support Ratio (640,000 SRG)
- Currency (650,000 CUR)
- Consumer Price Index (600,000 FCPI)
Numeric code
Each variable is attributed a 7 digit numeric code (xxx,xxx.y). Inflows are xxx,xxx.1 ; outflows are xxx,xxx.2 , and net inflows are xxx,xxx.0.
The wealth variables are coded as 3xx,xxx where 2xx,xxx is the corresponding flow variable.
Alpha code
Each variable is assigned an alpha code using the following conventions (note that the meaning of a letter can vary with its place):
- C - consumption
- YL - labor income
- K - capital
- R - reallocations
- I - investment
- T - transfers
- W - wealth
- G - public (government)
- F - private (familial)
- I - inflows when placed at the end of the name
- O - outflows when placed at the end of the name
- X - other when placed at the end of the name
- D - demographic variables
What about the work of charitable and religious organizations? How are these treated in the NTA?
I think so. I've added it to the above as
Why are we tracking "outflows" separately for each public sector program? Aren't most of these drawn from general revenue?
I believe we want a complete description of every transfer sub-system. Hence, we do need the NTA variable for each public sector program, both inflows and outflows. I'm not sure whether we need the mean age-profile for every program. Perhaps we should add a set of variables (at the bottom, something like we will have with the population) for taxes by type of tax. [am]
Sounds good. We'll also need some way of indicating the distribution of taxes used for each program. For example, in the US I guess that public education is funded something like 75% property tax and 25% income tax. Also, are these tax rates or age profiles? I think we want age profiles. [tm]