About the presenters

Joze Sambt is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Economics at the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia. His research focuses on population aging, transfers across age groups, and the long-term sustainability of the public finance system. Specifically, he is developing microsimulation and other models to estimate the impact of pension reform proposals and assess the long-term sustainability of the public sector. He is currently involved in a project within the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Union to apply the NTA methodology to explain and project trends in public finances. With the Statistical Office of Slovenia, he co-authored the most recent life table for the population of Slovenia.

Tanja Istenič is a Ph.D. student in Economics at the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia. Her research focuses on intergenerational dependency and its connection with population aging. She conducts research for the NTA project in Europe and teaches Introductory Statistics in the Faculty of Economics.

Janez Malacic is a Professor at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia. His research interests include migration studies, demography, population and labor force reproduction, labor markets, population and employment policies, human capital, education, economic statistics, and regional development. He has served he served as President of the Slovenian Statistical Society and the Union of Yugoslav Statistical Societies. He holds a Ph. D. from the Faculty of Economics at the University of Ljubljana.








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