NTA2020 Turra
Global Meeting on Population and the Generational Economy, August 2020
Presentation: Cassio Turra, Fernando Fernandes, Paulo Saad, Demographic Transition: Opportunities and challenges to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in Latin America and the Carribbean
The main objective of the paper is to relate demographic changes with the NTA measures and SDG indicators. The challenge and main contributions are to develop a proper methodological approach to connect the three dimensions – demographic, generational and development - casting light on pathways for sustainable growth in the context of rapid demographic transition. Since not all SDGs are directly associated with the generational economy, the paper will focus on those that are (theoretically and empirically) most likely to be related to different patterns of the generational economy and the NTA system.
File: NTA2020 Turra
Paper: NTA2020 paper Turra
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