NTA2020 Montcho
Global Meeting on Population and the Generational Economy, August 2020
Presentation: Gilbert Montcho, Julien Navaux, Yves Carriere, Marcel Merette, Fiscal Impact of Immigration in Canada: A National Transfer Accounting Approach
"Population aging has become the intersection of heated debates in advanced economies and one of the fierce is the role of immigration not only as a source of additional labor supply but also as a possible solution to alleviate the pressure on public finances. While the impact of immigration on various aspects of the labor market has been extensively researched, its fiscal impact on public finances has received less attention. In this study, we apply the National Transfer Account(NTA) and Demographic Analysis methods to estimate the net fiscal cost for immigrants and natives in Canada between 1997 and 2016. Results show that even though immigrants arrive in Canada with education and skill earned at the expense of their home country, the average immigrant has cost to the state about 3590$ (2015 price) more than the average Canadian born, per year between 1997 and 2016. "
File: NTA2020 Montcho
Paper: NTA2020 paper Montcho
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