NTA2020 Hammer
Global Meeting on Population and the Generational Economy, August 2020
Presentation: Bernhard Hammer, Sonja Spitzer, Alexia Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, Age-specific changes in income in nine European Countries: 2008-2017
How did changes in disposable income over the last decade affect the population at different life stages? Data and literature shows, that in many European countries the income of older generations increased, while it stagnated or declined for young people. In our paper we use EU-SILC data to analyze changes in individual income at different life stages with a focus on the young adult population. Understanding the situation of young adults and its change is essential in the analysis of their economic and demographic behavior. We decompose the changes in income into a wage effect, an employment effect and compositional effects. Thereby we gain insights into the causes and underlying mechanisms of income changes.
File: NTA2020 Hammer
Paper: NTA2020 paper Hammer
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