NTA 6th Agenda
NTA6: Sixth Annual National Transfer Accounts Workshop, January 9-10, Berkeley, California
The main meeting will be held near the Demography building in room C210 of the Haas School of Business. Breakfast and lunch will be at the Demography Building, 2232 Piedmont Avenue.
8:00 coffee and snacks; registration (2232 Piedmont Ave, the Demography Building)
8:30 Welcome, announcements, agenda
8:45 Presentations of Comparative Chapters
Chair: Naohiro Ogawa
Rapporteur: Ian Salas. Report: NTA6_rep_Salas
8:45 Ron Lee “Private Transfers in Comparative Perspective” Presentation: NTA6_LD
9:30 Andy Mason, Naohiro Ogawa, Riki Matsakura, and Amonthep Chawla Asset-based reallocations. Concepts and estimates for selected countries. Presentation: NTA6_MOCM
10:15 An-chi Tung “Consumption: An International Comparison in NTA Framework”. Presentation: NTA6_T
Break: 10:45-11:20
11:10-12:30 Presentations of Comparative Chapters (cont.)
Chair: Germano Mwabu
Rapporteur: Ivan Guevara Report: NTA6_rep_Guevara
11:20 Sang-Hyop Lee. Labor Income over the Life-Cycle. Evidence from 23 Countries. Presentation: NTA6_L
11:55 Jorge Bravo and Tim Miller: “An international comparison of government spending on youth and older persons”
12:10 Discussion.
12:40-1:30 Lunch (2232 Piedmont Ave, the Demography Building)
1:30-3:30 Presentations by Distinguished Guests (30 min presentations, followed by 10 min discussions)
Chair: Ron Lee (US)
Rapporteur: Cassio Turra. Report: NTA6_rep_Turra
1:30 Rosemary Marcuss, Deputy Director of US Bureau of Economic Analysis “View from the National Accounts”.
2:10 Robert Willis, Professor of Economics, University of Michigan. “The Implications of Consumption Sharing vs. Individualism in the Family” Presentation: NTA6_W
2:50 Mike Hurd, Director, Center for the Study of Aging, and Senior Economist, RAND Corporation. “Wealth Change and Active Saving at Older Ages. Also Intervivo Transfers and Bequests” Presentation: NTA6_HR
3:30-4:00 Break
4:00 NTA and Macroeconomic Consequences of the Demographic Transition
Chair: Andy Mason
Rapporteur: Pablo Comelatto. Report: NTA6_rep_Comelatto
4:00-4:50 Alan Auerbach “Generational Accounting and National Transfer Accounts” and discussion. Presentation: NTA6_A
5:10 Adjourn
6:30 Reception and dinner (house of Ron Lee, 15 minute walk from campus; map and instructions in your packet)
8:00 Coffee and breakfast (2232 Piedmont Ave, the Demography Building)
8:30 Three Parallel Sessions with presentations by NTA country teams, (18 min presentations, 7 min discussions).
There will be a 20 minute break after the first four presentations, from 10:10-10:30. There is a suggestion below for which sessions other participants might attend, but all can choose whatever session they prefer.
Group A. IBER meeting room, F502 Haas School of Business.
A1. Chair: Robert Gal
Rapporteur: Sang-Hyop Lee. Report: NTA6_rep_SHLee1
8:30 S. Korea—Chong-Bum An and Namhui Hwang. Presentation: NTA6_KR
8:55 Brazil— Cássio M. TURRA and Bernardo Quieroz Presentation: NTA6_BR
9:20 Austria/Slovenia—Joze Sambt (single presentation) Presentation: NTA6_AT_SI
9:45 Italy— Emilio Zagheni and Francesco Billari, “Ideas for NTA for Italy” Presentation: NTA6_IT
10:10-10:30 BREAK (outside C210 Haas, main meeting room)
A2. Chair: Chong Bum An
Rapporteur: Sang-Hyop Lee. Report: NTA6_rep_SHLee2
10:30 Hungary—Robert Gal “NTA age profiles in Hungary” Presentation: NTA6_HU
10:55 Thailand—Amonthep (Beet) CHAWLA “Private asset-based transfers: Does the headship definition matter?” Presentation: NTA06_TH
11:20 Uruguay—Marisa BUCHELI and Cecilia Elisa GONZALEZ RODRIGUEZ Presentation: NTA6_UY
11:45 South Africa
Group B. C210 Haas School of Business, our regular meeting room.
B1. Chair: Jorge Bravo
Rapporteur: Tim Miller. Report: NTA6_rep_Miller1
8:30 India— Laishram LADUSINGH “Household Saving in India” Presentation: NTA6_IN
8:55 Mexico—Iván MEJÍA-GUEVARA; Félix Vélez Fernández VARELA; Víctor García Vilchils “The Role of the Public Sector in the National Transfer Accounts of Mexico” Presentation: NTA_MEX
9:20 Finland—Risto VAITTINEN “Commodity taxes by age” Presentation: NTA6_FI
9:45 Senegal-Latief DRAMANI "Issues of implementing the NTA project for Senegal" Presentation: NTA6_SN
10:10-10:30 BREAK (outside C210 Haas, main meeting room)
B2. Chair: Paulo Saad
Rapporteur: Tim Miller. Report: NTA6_rep_Miller2
10:30 Philippines—J.M. Ian SALAS, "The Treatment of Remittances in NTA: Compensation from ROW or Current Transfer?" Presentation: NTA6_PH
10:55 Chile—Jorge BRAVO; Mauricio HOLZ “NTAs for Chile 1987-2007, with special reference to Pensions and Education” Presentation: NTA6_CL
11:20 Kenya—Germano MWABU, Moses K. MURIITHI, Reuben G. Mutegi. "The National Transfer Accounts for Kenya" Presentation: NTA6_KE
11:45 Spain—Concepción PAXTOT, Elisenda RENTERIA PEREZ, Guadalupe SOUTO “NTA results for Spain”. Presentation: NTA6_ES
Group C. Demography Building Seminar Room (same as for breakfast and lunch)
C1. Chairs: Francois Charles Wolff
Rapporteur: Gretchen Donehower. Report: NTA6_rep_Donehower1
8:30 Japan—Naohiro OGAWA, Andrew Mason, Amonthep CHAWLA, and Rikiya MATSUKURA, “Declining Fertility and the Rising Cost of Children: What Can NTA Say about Low Fertility in Japan and Other Asian Countries?” Presentation: NTA6_JP
8:55 China—Yu Jiang "National Transfer and the transition of social security system: China's case" Presentation: NTA6_CN
9:20 Indonesia—Maliki “Support System of the Indonesian Elderly: Moving toward the Sustainable National Pension System” NTA6_ID
9:45 Sweden—Daniel HALLBERG “The economic life cycle in Sweden 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s” Presentation: NTA6_SE
10:10-10:30 BREAK (outside C210 Haas, main meeting room)
C2. Chair: Daniel HALLBERG
Rapporteur: Gretchen Donehower. Report: NTA6_rep_Donehower2
10:30 Germany—Fanny Annemarie KLUGE “The German LCD 2003 and first estimates for East and West differences” Presentation: NTA6_DE
10:55 Costa Rica-- Andrea COLLADO-CHAVES; Maria Paola ZUNIGA-BRENES “Costa Rican National Transfer Flow Account (2004): Mixed income calculation and its impact on the Costa Rican life-cycle estimation” NTA6_CR
12:10-1:00 Lunch (at 2232 Piedmont, the Demography Building)
1:00 Discussion of 1) Generational Accounting and 2) data and method issues for NTA
Chair: Robert Gal (Hungary)
Rapporteur: Amonthep Chawla. Report: NTA6_rep_Chawla
1:00-1:30 Young Chun: “Generational Accounting with NTA: Outline of a Collaborative Project”.
1:30-1:40 Discussion
1:40-2:30 Andy Mason will lead a discussion of NTA methodological, technical and data problems.
2:30-3:15 Regional Breakout meetings
Asia: C210 Haas (main meeting room, North end)
Africa: F502 Haas (same room as Group C in morning)
Europe and US: C210 Haas (main meeting room, South end)
Latin America: Lounge area in Haas, accross courtyard from C210, and upstairs.
3:15-3:45 Break
3:45 - 5:00 Discussion of plans for next year, moderated by Andy and Ron
Progress and Problems with Book.
The next annual workshop (Ron and Andy).
5:00 Adjourn