Second Meeting Notes

Marisa’s presentation (Gretchen's Notes)

Household Satellite Accounts – being developed by people connected to NIPA, but there is still plenty of debate about what to include.

2 approaches:

  1. Need a wage per unit time of unpaid activity
    • Opportunity cost
    • Wage of persons who do same activity in paid labor market
  2. Need value of production instead
  • Discussion of Issues:

Pre tax or post tax???

Opportunity cost or replacement cost? Seems like for some things (childcare?) you could argue for opportunity cost because of evidence that highly educated parents interact more intensively with children (speak more to them, for example), but other things like doing laundry seem to argue for replacement cost because the item produced - clean clothes - isn't going to vary that much by the education of the person performing the activity.

Which activities qualify? Which activities should be included in NTA? Try to match activities registered in the NIPA. Activities related to house, food, care, etc.

How to estimate transfer system for time? We use the unitary model with monetary transfers, made possible because we know how much cash each person has and how much each person needs to cover his consumption. With time use data, we can determine how much time each person spends, but how do we determine how much each person receives? Who has deficit in time? Some activities are obvious - child care and elder care are provided to kids and elderly. But what about cleaning, making food, other activities that benefit everyone? Can we estimate the total produced in the household and use the usual EAC weights to assume who consumed it? If so, then we can use the unitary model again to figure out the transfers.

Parallel activities We don’t have to have 24 hours as an upper bound because people do more than one thing at a time.

Another gender aspect in NTA (not time use, though) – “gatekeeper” method for allocating cash benefits, versus assign to kid. This has gender aspects.

Thomas and James are going to present on Monday?








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