Microdistributional NTA
2020 National Transfer Accounts (NTA) Workshop on Micro-Distributional NTA: Investigating Inequality, Human Capital, and Changing Population Composition in a Longitudinal Context
Organized by the Berkeley Center of the Economics and Demography of Aging and the East-West Center
Conveners: Ronald Lee, Gretchen Donehower, Andrew Mason, Sang-Hyop Lee
May 4/5 (WS I) & May 11/12 (WS II), 2020
The goal of the workshop is to focus on topics in a longitudinal micro-distributional context: inequality, human capital, and changing population composition in recent decades and in the future.
Workshop I Presentations (May 4/5)
Bernhard Hammer, Combining Income and Consumption Data at Household Level: an Analysis of Intra-household Transfers Based on NTA Micro Data
Presentation: CEDA2020 Hammer
Robert Gal, Marton Medgyesi and Pieter Vanhuysse, The transfer cost of parenthood: Parents and non-parents in NTA
Paper: CEDA2020 Gal Presentation: CEDA2020 Gal2
Hippolyte d’Albis, Intra-cohort Income Inequalities in France
Presentation: CEDA2020 dAlbis
Gretchen Donehower, Ron Lee, Michael Abrigo, Andy Mason, US micro-NTA: Trends and Distribution
Presentation: CEDA2020 Lee Presentation: CEDA2020 Donehower
Workshop II Presentations (May 11/12)
Uncertainty in NTA estimates
GWAs and capital accounts
McCarthy et al, GWA: did public and private inter-generational transfers offset each other over the financial crisis CEDA2020 McCarthy Mason Observations about wealth accounts CEDA 2020 Mason
NTA and Distributional National Accounts (Saez, Zucman, and Piketty)
Sefton observations CEDA2020 Sefton Gal observations CEDA2020 Gal3 Lee and Mason observations CEDA2020 Lee Mason
During the May 11th meeting, several working groups were suggested: