Abstract WP14-01
The dissertation describes the National Transfer Accounts (NTA) for Austria and uses the NTA concept and the data for cross country comparisons. The first chapter describes the NTA methodology, the data sources as well as the results for Austria. The second chapter of the thesis uses the results from NTA to compare the public transfer system in Austria and Sweden. In Chapter 3 of the thesis I develop an age- and gender-specific household satellite account to analyse production activities and transfers which are not captured in the System of National Accounts and in NTA. This includes mainly services which are consumed within the household, such as cooking, cleaning and care activities. The age-specific household account together with the results from the NTA core system provides a comprehensive picture of production activities at each age, the redistribution of resources between age groups and the age-specific use of resources for consumption and saving. The fourth part of the thesis consists of a comparison of age- and gender-specific production activities in selected European countries.