/***************************** * Labor Income * * Author(s): Comfort Sumida * *****************************/ /**************************************************************************************************** * Product: Age profiles of labor income * * Data requirements: Individual data employee compensation, entrepreneurial income, retirement pay * * tx19 = individual employee compensation * * tx24 = individual entrepreneurial income * * tx15 = individual retirement pay * * Methodology: Direct calculation * ****************************************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** * note(s): - do-files are for all years (loops) * * - estimated age profiles are not adjusted to aggregate controls * ****************************************************************************/ # delimit ; set more off; log using "C:\Labor Income Components", replace; forval i = 1976(1)2003 {; /* using individual data files, as FIES has income data at the individual level */ use "C:\mind`i'.dta", clear; /* self employment income */ gen YLS = (2/3) * tx24; /* employee compensation (less retirement pay) */ gen YLE = tx19 - tx15; gen YL = YLS + YLE; recode YLS YLE YL (. = 0); recode age (90/max = 90); lowess YLE age1, bwidth(0.1) nograph gen(sYLE); lowess YLS age1, bwidth(0.1) nograph gen(sYLS); replace sYLE = 0 if sYLE < 0; replace sYLS = 0 if sYLS < 0; save "C:\YL`i'", replace; }; log close;