/***************************** * Private Health * * Author(s): Amonthep Chawla* *****************************/ /*************************************************************************************************** * Product: Age profiles of private health expenditures (CFH) * * Data requirements: Individual data on health consumption for different years or sources * * and household data on health expenditures * * pvhealth02 = individual health consumption in 2002 * * hcs = household health consumption * * Methodology: Regression method with prices as a cubic in age * **************************************************************************************************/ /* Tabulate per capita age profile for private health consumption from the SES 2002 then merge the * * unsmoothed age profile with the year 1996 that we want to estimate per capita health consumption*/ /* Age in square and cubic and dummy for age 0*/ gen a=age gen asq=age^2 gen acub=age^3 gen a000=age==0 /* Create age profile for 1996 data allowing there is a systematic relationship between age in 1996 * * and per capita health consumption in 2002 */ egen b0=sum(pvhealth02), by(id) gen b11=a*pvhealth02 egen b1=sum(b11), by(id) gen b22=asq*pvhealth02 egen b2=sum(b22), by(id) gen b33=acub*pvhealth02 egen b3=sum(b33), by(id) gen a00=a000*pvhealth02 egen a0=sum(a00), by(id) sort id reg hcs b0 b1 b2 b3 a0 if id~=id[_n-1] [w=weight], nocons robust gen bb0=_b[b0] gen bb1=_b[b1] gen bb2=_b[b2] gen bb3=_b[b3] gen x0=_b[a0] /* Estimate per capita health consumption */ gen hcs96i=(bb0+bb1*a+bb2*asq+bb3*acub+x0)*pvhealth02 replace hcs96i=0 if hcs96i<0 recode hcs96i (.=0) /* Allocating household health consumption to individuals using the perdicted share of individuals */ egen hhpvhealth96=sum(hcs96i), by(id) gen sharepvhealth=hcs96i/hhpvhealth96 gen indhcs96=sharepvhealth*hcs label var indhcs96 "ind pvhealth96" drop b0-sharepvhealth table age [w=weight], content (mean indhcs96) /* Adjust with aggregate control using the National Income Account */ gen betahcs=33.37992687 gen agpvhealth=betahcs*indhcs96 table age [w=weight], content (mean agpvhealth)